Info FOr You They say it's your birthday...

Today is Dan's birthday!!!!!!!!
Dan is such an important part of this blog (always reminding me to take photos for you, offering post ideas, editing my writing, being in photos, encouraging and supporting me and the time it takes to write the blog, reading my comments, etc..) that I wanted you to know that today is his birthday!!!
 And, it's a big one... the big 6-0!!!!  
I met him just days before his 32nd birthday.... where do the years go?!!

Dan's birthday present.... a riding lawn mower!  Evidently Big Blue's tire tracks in the meadow weren't making the groundskeeper (i.e. Dan;) happy, so we've added Little Red to the family!  
(for you husbands out there whom I'm told read the blog it's a Ferris with a Kawasaki engine, details here:)

Happy 60th birthday to my best friend!!!!
So happy to be on this adventure with you!
I love you!

This is Dan... I want to thank each of you for your heartwarming birthday wishes.  I was truly touched by each and every comment,  Joan read them to me throughout the day when she checked the blog.  It was a perfect day and all of your comments and wishes have been the icing on the cake!
Still blowing out candles...


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