Info FOr You leaving something behind...

You often hear stories of people finding all sorts of things in the walls of antique homes during renovations.... things like: coins, children's shoes, newspapers, bottles- artifacts from another time. When we renovated the farmhouse we had hoped we would find items that had been placed in the walls 150 years ago when the house was built. We did not.

Today I wrote down this house blessing that we have used to bless our home since we first purchased the property. We will place this blessing inside of a wall in the barn room in hopes that in another 150 years, when someone finds it that they will know how much the house was loved.

I signed a second piece of paper with our names, and the year. I contemplated including photographs, but with close to 10,000 photos (literally) of the renovation where would I start and where would I end??
Instead, I wrote something else on the piece of paper that felt surreal, strange and exciting all at the same time.... I wrote the address for this blog,

We often talk and wonder about the people who originally built the farmhouse- what were they like, why did they make certain design choices, how long did they live here, were they happy, what did the interiors look like the day they moved in, did they die in this house, did their children own it after them, and on and on... . What I wouldn't give to know these answers.
So, imagine through the power of magic, or in this case the Internet, in 150 years from now when we are all gone from this world that the new owner would be able to type in an old Internet address and see and read about the renovation of this farmhouse a century and a half before. It seems so silly on one hand, but...
what if?!

That then makes you, dear friend, part of the history of this house too!  I truly can not thank each and every one of you enough for being along on this journey with us,  and for all the house-love and encouragement you give to us along the way.
Thank you so much for your role in the renovation of this farmhouse.

The House Blessing

God, bless this house and all who live here. Fill this dwelling with an ambiance of peace, prosperity, health, happiness, harmony and love. Let this space shine with divine light and beauty and provide a warm, comfortable haven from the world. May only beings that are kind-hearted and well-intentioned enter here. May nature's spirits feel welcome and live with us as friends. May all who enter here receive what they need, and feel richly blessed with their heart's desires.


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