Info FOr You I could almost weep!!!

Please do not be frightened....
this is Dan's section of the basement- my section is much prettier and filled with vintage and antique garden ornaments! (Dan is in the process of organizing the space, so pardon the mess;) 
Messy as it appears, this is where magical things happen for the house!   Note the large barn room chandelier on the floor getting ready to get ready to be wired.
 It was on this worktable yesterday afternoon, while looking for one of the original doorknobs from the farmhouse that I wanted to show to the carpenter in hopes of using it on the barn half bath door, that I found...

...this box of miscellaneous lamp parts and finials. 
In the ten years that I was an antiques dealer we made and sold many lamps.   So, whenever we were out antiquing and found interesting bits and pieces for lamps we would buy them knowing we would eventually find a use for them.  The items in this particular box (we have many such boxes) were individually purchased and probably thrown in the box some 7 to 10 years ago;  long forgotten, and packed and shipped from Dallas to New Hampshire.
My eye went to one of the solid brass finials, then I saw the other- a pair, perfect.  I immediately thought of a pair of antique wooden balusters that we purchased a couple of months ago and are going to turn into lamps that will sit on a sofa table in the barn room.  The scale seemed right.

One of the pair of balusters on another work table.

The balusters will be waxed and we will use an antique glazed-terra-cotta square (we purchased a box of these from a dealer in Kansas City years ago) as the base.  Yet to be determined is if the baluster will go like this or upside down.

Isn't it crazy how perfectly the finial and the baluster go together?!!  They look like they were made for each other, yes?!
  The brass finials will have to be drilled to accommodate the top of a harp, as they are solid and not originally lamp finials.  I have no idea what they were used for, but so glad we picked them up somewhere along the way.  Lesson:  if you love it buy it, you'll always find a home for it- even if it is years later!


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