Low Goal Simmons Beautyrest Mattress At Sleepy's

Stacy writes:

Thanks in addition to hence much for your advice. 
I went into a Sleepy's store to teach a experience for the Beautyrest mattress, in addition to it felt goodness (comfortable in addition to solid). I liked the private coils, the firmness in addition to the side support. But the i inward the store was ix inches thick, non eleven similar the i on your site. The i I tried out was a Simmons Recharge theatre model s16691 alongside striped ticking in addition to no retentiveness foam for $479. I own got to tell I am ok alongside a slightly thinner mattress unless there's a argue you lot tin enjoin me two inches thicker lends it significantly greater structural integrity or something. I abhor having to struggle to teach canvass corners to represent in addition to my shaver is nevertheless at the falling out of bed age.
Can you lot enjoin me how your mattress differs from the i I tried inward the store please?
Thanks again,

Hi Stacy,
Large chain stores, similar Sleepy's, sometimes own got models made for them that are non available to the remainder of us.
Usually, these exclusives accept the form out of a higher cease mattress that they over cost because they can...without having to worry near it beingness shopped elsewhere. This is an unusually depression cease exclusive. Perhaps i they cry upward to job for advertising purposes, alongside no intention of selling. They are famous for their bait in addition to switch tactics. They are i of the few mattress chains alongside an F rating alongside the BBB in addition to a rap canvass alongside the Attorney General's office. However, if you lot tin teach those scoundrels to genuinely accept the sale, it's peachy value. Be careful of all the improver charges. Once they outset piling on the extra fees for this in addition to that, it may non last such a goodness buy. But, it's for certain worth exploring. 

Thanks, Pete

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