Info FOr You this and that, and OH- we found my GATE!!!

So...yesterday we had a large fertilizer spreader delivered to the house.  Since we moved in we've been paying a lot of money each year to have the property fertilized and treated by a small local company.  When Dan realized that the cost of the spreader could be paid for in what we normally pay for just two of the five yearly applications, he bit the bullet and bought a spreader for Big Blue.  (For the husbands, whom I am told read the blog ;),  it is a Land Pride FSP700.  It is a 563-lb. capacity broadcast spreader that runs off of the PTO from Big Blue.)
We purchased the spreader from the same local company where we bought Big Blue.  The nice salesman delivered the spreader in his company pick-up truck on a pallet.  As he and Dan were unloading the spreader he showed Dan this huge wasp nest...  
Just that very morning as he was driving along it fell into his truck!   Dan asked what he was going to do with it and he shrugged, not knowing.  Sweet-husband Dan told him that I collect nests and the man then kindly handed this gem to Dan for me!   I came home from a walk with Ella to find this on the dining room table!   Upon close inspection it had a couple of "live" occupants, so it is outside until I am sure they are gone.  This is the first one I own that is completely intact, so I am thrilled!  You might recall me coveting this one from last year here.

And, speaking of going on walks with Ella...  this is not her pumpkin costume for Halloween (I do not condone dressing up dogs ;)  though I do call her "Pum-kin" when she's wearing it , and it is not Ella dressed as a "school crossing guard" which is what Dan thinks she looks like, but is instead how she is attired for safety on our walks in the fall.  We are surrounded by trails and turkeys and hunters with bows and guns, and since we walk often in the woods it is always good to be safe.  To watch her run at full speed is like watching a pumpkin being shot from a cannon!

I just ordered, and received, some additional note cards from the very talented Patricia of pve designs.  I love having personal "house" stationery and if you would like your own house as art I highly recommend contacting Patricia!

And last, but not least.... we found the gate for the vegetable garden!  While out antiquing two days ago we ran across a fabulous table that would be perfect as a work table in the loft.  I was a few steps ahead of Dan and at the very second he was saying... "Now, if we could just find your gate," my eyes landed on a gate and I gasped!  It was tucked into a booth and after pulling it out I realized that it was the exact "vision" of what I had initially wanted- it was tall (64") and had an arched top.  It was priced a little over budget at $275, so we made an offer of $200 and the dealer countered with $225, which we accepted.  After further examination we came to the conclusion that my "gate" wasn't a gate at all- instead was an antique iron window frame that had been cut out of it's original iron frame work.  Since we love to repurpose things this only made it more perfect!   Luckily we live down the street from a man who does welding and he'll be able to attach the iron hardware so it can be used as a gate;  and let me just say- if you don't have a welder down the street I suggest you put your house on the market immediately and move a street where you have one!!! :)  I had no idea how much we would use a welder and it is so nice to have him close by!

Have a fun Friday.... Ella is!

(photo taken yesterday as it is raining and foggy and fabulous today!)


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