Info FOr You a new kitchen skirt for spring

I've added a jaunty new sink skirt in anticipation of spring!  Two days ago a late winter snowstorm  brought us an additional 13-inches of snow; this was on top of the 10-inches or so that was still on the ground from the last snowfall.  Spring seems very far away at the moment, but I know it will be here before we know it!

The citron chevron fabric works well in the kitchen with my collection of antique rugs and vintage & antique green yellowware in the glass-front cabinets.

You can see all of our snow out the window!

Vintage hotel-silver champagne buckets flank the sink and hold white Kalanchoes.  This champagne bucket is from the Hotel Tuller in Detroit. 

This hotel-silver bucket with the engraved "N" is from the Newhouse Hotel in Salt Lake City.


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