Info FOr You It was Muffin's birthday!

Yesterday we attended our friend Muffin's 31st birthday party!  Muffin is a horse.  She lives down the road from us in a red barn with other horses and a henny named Pierre.
You might remember reading about her birthday party from last year here.

Last year's invitation was a simple shout-out the car window as Muffin's owner drove by, but his year was more formal and Ella received a written invitation!  It even had an RSVP!!  

Being the proper southern girl that she is (Dallas SPCA) Ella decided to write her répondez s'il vous plaît  instead of phone her reply!
 (  I   Ella thought that Muffin's 7 year-old 'human' sister might like to receive a note from Ella ;)

Ella likes to call Muffin "Muffins" cuz when you're talking about muffins more is always better, yes?!

Ella's gifts wrapped for the party!  The white box is for Muffin and the box of carrots are for all our barn friends.

Muffin the birthday girl!

Lookin' good at 31!  That's her son, Gibson, in the stall next to her, he's only 21!

"Happy Birthday to Muffin!"

Just like last year, Ella thought the party was really for her and wiggled and waggled her way through the crowd!

Ella's whole body wiggles when she's happy and she was very happy to meet a new tiny friend!

Muffin getting a carrot from her human sister.

This is Pierre, the hinny.  He was saying "More carrots, please."  Seriously, he was very vocal in his desire for more carrots!

Unlike last year's party where we had an early spring and temperatures were in the 80's, this year we had snow on the ground and temps in the 30's!   This is our good friend Scruffy, he's a rescue too!  Ella wore her cupcake collar for the special occasion.

So, what did Ella get Muffin for her birthday?  You might have noticed someone very special was missing from the barn...

 Thoroughgood, the sweet old goat, went on to greener pastures this past year :( so we had a photo taken of him from last year's party framed to hang in the barn so that he is always remembered... smiling.

A delightful time was had by all and Ella was exhausted after being the belle of the party!  She needs to rest up though, as she was invited to a (human;) wedding this June!  It's tough being Ella;)

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My sincere apologies, but I have had to turn on word verification for comments since my spam comments are out of control.  I used to just delete the five or so I got per day, but now I get 30 to 40.  Entire websites are devoted to send spammers to blogs that do not require word verification, so  until the spammers settle down I will have the verification box on comments.  Sorry for the hassle.


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