Yakusha Pattern Revives An Abandoned Kyiv Menage Alongside Faina

In an an former abandoned trouble solid inwards Kyiv, Ukrainian multidisciplinary studio Yakusha Design has created a temporary installation that highlights both the raw beauty of the infinite as well as contemporary blueprint objects of their production describe FAINA. The faded limestone finished walls, concrete flooring as well as a dilapidated wooden roof creates a perfect phase for the Live Design collection of minimalist article of furniture as well as decorative pieces inspired yesteryear Ukrainian civilization as well as traditions.

Located inwards an historical role of Kyiv, the abandoned trouble solid has non been lived inwards for decades, silent Yakusha Design could encounter that it clearly held memories as well as hopes for a meliorate future. Wanting to reignite this feel of hidden life, the studio revived the trouble solid amongst FAINA’s sustainable, contemporary blueprint pieces born from historical roots as well as crafts. 

Victoria Yakusha, founder as well as primary designer at Yakusha Design shares her thoughts —“The earth is coming through dramatic changes – completely novel things are emerging every day, closed to former concepts come upward to an end. However, I believe that inwards this renewal process, nosotros must non lose our roots, the retentiveness of ancestors, sewn into objects of daily use."

Live blueprint appreciates the passage  of time; birth, growth, bloom as well as decay, as well as is born inwards the hands of local masters through an approach that both respects as well as rediscovers traditional craftsmanship. Made of natural materials — wood, clay, wool, willow vine — the pieces nourish the senses as well as are designed to practise an emotional connection. Becoming novel “tenants”, breathing life into the former house, the collection pieces include the Felted Domna armchair, the mitt knitted giant Strikha pendant lamp, the Ztista dining table as well as terra cotta Toptun chairs. A visual quiet of the infinite is interrupted amongst the tune of Bandura vase, whose advert was taken from an ancient Ukrainian musical instrument. Two paintings yesteryear immature Ukrainian creative individual Ihor Tverdokhlib add pure sensuality to the installation.

Set blueprint yesteryear Nastia Savchenko / Photography yesteryear Vova Klever

To encounter the amount hit of FAINA blueprint pieces, cause got a await here. 

Images courtesy of Yakusha Design

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