Info FOr You yesterday's find

Yesterday, Ella and I (Dan is out of town) took a lovely drive- past mountains, a lake and fabulous antique houses over to our favorite antique haunt about 40 minutes west of us. This is the same antique mall where I met Matthew Mead a few months ago! It's the best kind of antique mall- a dive, with great prices and merchandise that turns over daily. In fact a couple of weeks ago we found a gorgeous mahogany table to put on our upstairs porch (oops- forgot to show you that one;) and the owner said the dealer had only brought it in an hour before!

So, yesterday I stumble upon this large (30"total) antique iron lantern! Here it is, as found, under a table in the dealer's booth. I hemmed and hawed, and even left the store and sat in my car thinking about it- as it needs tons of work, then realized that Dan would KILL me if I didn't buy it. I'm notorious for not buying something one day and wanting it the next- which sometimes entails having to drive hundreds of miles to retrace our steps!! I never buy to buy, and only buy what I love, and this lantern had my name all over it! Isn't it funny when you look at an antique and think it "looks" like you?!
You may now laugh freely, when I tell you that I hemmed and hawed and the lantern was only $20, but wait... the dealer was having a 30% off sale, so it was really only $14!!!
 a lake and fabulous antique houses over to our favorite antique haunt about  Info FOr You yesterday's find  a lake and fabulous antique houses over to our favorite antique haunt about  Info FOr You yesterday's find

I was thinking it might look wonderful (after I spend hundreds renovating it!) placed between the french doors on the soon-to-be barn room! So, instead of a light at each door, just one large light to illuminate the whole (what will be!) gravel patio! What do you think?!
 a lake and fabulous antique houses over to our favorite antique haunt about  Info FOr You yesterday's find
As I've mentioned before we live in a very small town, surrounded by even smaller towns, one after another. Our drive takes us through the charming village of Dublin, New Hampshire. This bulletin board is at the corner of the Yankee Magazine headquarters which is right on the road. I often stop to read the local news. This was the message yesterday....I think it a very lovely way to be eulogized.
 a lake and fabulous antique houses over to our favorite antique haunt about  Info FOr You yesterday's find As I write on my sidebar... if you have never experienced small New England towns it is hard to imagine it. It is very much like stepping back a hundred years in time. Dan and I have traveled extensively across the United States, and we have never seen towns as charming!
I hope you will come visit!


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