Info FOr You unpacking a bunch of grapes

ve ever priced these at antique shops you know how ridiculously expensive they can be  Info FOr You unpacking a bunch of grapes Bunches and bunches of vintage alabaster grapes!

I would buy the creams, golds and whites in varying sizes. If you've ever priced these at antique shops you know how ridiculously expensive they can be (luckily we always found good deals.) I told our Dallas movers that their value would lessen if any of the stems were broken.... they were each wrapped like little gifts, and nary a break! This antique oval urn was an Atlanta (Scott show) find! We have a collection of antique urns... iron and marble.

This upstairs window is directly over the front door. To the left of the table is one of the two doors going into the master bedroom, to the right is the south guest room door, and across is the door leading to the attic. Out the window you get a glimpse of our neighbor's 1760's estate. Our property is thought to have once been part of the estate, maybe the overseers property, as our house faces the estate as opposed to the road. Not a bad view, no?!
ve ever priced these at antique shops you know how ridiculously expensive they can be  Info FOr You unpacking a bunch of grapes


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