Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

I hope you don't mind a few more Fall photos!

It's just so gorgeous here that I can't help but want to share it all with you. When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you, but all around you- 360 degrees of jaw-dropping color and beauty! And, to be honest, the photographs really don't do the views justice. Every day there are subtle changes; it is a spectacular time of year in New England. As I mentioned to Dan today, I think we use the word "wow" about 100 times a day during Fall!

 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

We have 15 sugar maples along the drive up to the house.
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....  When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....
The view from the upstairs porch.
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

Gorgeous falls are a mere 20-minute walk from the house!  When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

Downstream from the falls. This is deep in the woods, so the colors are less brilliant, but still a stunning view, yes?! When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

A bridge along the hike.
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....
Ella, being a very brave girl, making her crossing.
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

I adore this photo.
(This photo was taken from an adjacent hillside, looking back to our hill.)
I have to pinch myself when I realize that....
this is a view of where we live- literally!
The white house in the far right of the photo is my next door neighbor...
Our house sits directly behind (but not in view) the white house.
I want to do a post on how we came to live in New Hampshire, but perhaps this photo says everything that needs to be said.... ?!
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

A closer view of my next door neighbor's house. This photo faces North. When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

The little white dot about a one-third of the way in the photo from the left is on our daily walk. It is one mile from our house and is an antique church (that is now a children's summer playhouse). For reference, my neighbor's house can not be seen in this photo; it is out of the frame to the right.
The mountain on the left of the photo is Pack Monadnock. When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....

This is a closer view of the little white dot/church!
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....
Here is the street view of the above photo! The white dot (!) is the church on the left. Trees hide the steeple of the church on the right in the photo above.
I will also add that I was brought to a few tiny tears this past weekend when driving home past this very spot, and there was a tour bus driving through.... a tour bus was driving through my neighborhood! Lets just say that did not happen in my neighborhood back in Dallas!
 When you look at the photos imagine that the view is not just in front of you Info FOr You too pretty not to share....
Thank you for sharing the view with me!!
Happy Fall to you!


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