Info FOr You this is Mary

(disclaimer: I know this is a silly post, but hey I'm unpacking!)

I just found a box that holds my childhood dolls (it resides in a closet.) Mary is my Madame Alexander doll that Santa brought me one Christmas morning when I was about six. I had wanted her for a very long time, and when I received her that Christmas I fell in love! I would cry if anyone referred to Mary as a "doll." She was a baby. I don't think Madame Alexander sanctioned the washing of their dolls hair, but babies must have their baths, and so Mary has a rather frizzed do!

The dress she now dons, and has for years, was actually my dress when I was a baby- my mother made it. Mary is also wearing diapers (helllooooo, she's a baby after all!) and the diaper pin on the diapers was also mine! I still think she is the most beautiful baby doll!  I just found a box that holds my childhood dolls  Info FOr You this is Mary

So... what was your favorite doll baby's name? Do you still have her?

Here I am in said dress with my two much-older sisters!!! ;)!
And, since this is a house blog, please note the fabulous antique Chinese ginger jar in the left of the photo! It is one of a pair that my mean, mean mother ;) gave to my oldest sister.

I covet those ginger jars! I just found a box that holds my childhood dolls  Info FOr You this is Mary


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