Info FOr You the summer mantle

 A few photographs of the summer living room mantle Info FOr You the summer mantle

A few photographs of the summer living room mantle, as requested!
The antique chinese blue and white temple jars have stayed., as have the pair of antique mercury glass candlesticks and the English sterling-rimmed match strike. A piece of white coral, a coral fan, a shell and a shell fossil have replaced the conks!
 A few photographs of the summer living room mantle Info FOr You the summer mantle

We are thrilled with our recent find of the antique oil painting. It depicts a New Hampshire scene, and is a view that we see quite often across the state. The frame is original, but will have to be restored, as it has been painted with gold paint.
 A few photographs of the summer living room mantle Info FOr You the summer mantle
The fan coral was purchased in Maine; I love it's lacy quality. Tucked behind the temple jar you can see the shell fossil.
 A few photographs of the summer living room mantle Info FOr You the summer mantle

And, it's definitely summer here- we've been in the upper 90's this week. Today is a warm and humid 86 degrees. We are very grateful that we put in central AC when doing the renovation! Hope you are staying cool!


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