Info FOr You Holes in our head...
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Oh wait, they're actually in our walls! Who's idea was it to restore this old house anyway?? Oh wait, it was ours..... what were we thinking?!!!!!!! In the end there will be approximately 400 of these lovely little insulation holes in my walls. Why so many, you wonder... well, because of the way that antique homes were framed the insulation has to be "drilled and filled" on different planes to get into each and every crevice. We are installing blown in cellulose (it's 'green')- they drill a hole in the plaster and then blow the cellulose in. As you could guess, it is much more expensive to retro-fit an old house than to put insulation into a new structure- this seemingly little project will cost us the price of a new car. Not some little economy car, but a nice full-size number! Considering that the house had zero insulation, and it can get a little "chilly" here in New Hampshire we thought it a good investment! I can't tell you how happy I will be to see the plaster-guy, not only is he only a third of the price of the insulation, but he will make my walls pretty again! Pretty... so hard to remember pretty at this point!