Info FOr You happy valentine's day...

Ella wanted to wish you a very
Happy Valentine's Day

She thought maybe you might like one of her organic Paul Newman heart-shaped puppy cookies.....


Are you sure?  Ella says they are deeeelicious.

No?... well okay then,  she'll have one for you in your honor!

Ella sends a wiggle and a wag, and we both wish you a
Happy Valentine's Day!!


post script:
I've received several inquiries about Ella's red velvet collar and her heart charm, so I thought I would add the information here...
Her red velvet collar is from Isabella Cane.  Ella has several of their collars and they are absolutely gorgeous! 
Ella's sterling heart-shaped charm was her sister Kelsey's charm (they never met, but they are still "sisters").  "Kelsey" is engraved in the dog bone on the front and on the back it says
"Rescued 9-11-93"
I ordered it from a funky little shop, Nuvo, on Cedar Springs in Dallas.  I tried to get one for Ella before we moved, but they no longer showcased this same jewelry designer. 
Ella wears it in memory of our other sweet puppy girl, Kelsey!  


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