Info FOr You happy holidays to you...

(first of all my most sincere apologies for my lack of post this month.... between my laptop quitting on me early in the month and the tedious process of finding a new one, and the m.e.a.n. cold that has attached itself to me I'm been very lacking in the blogging department. apologies)

I didn't want to let this season pass by without wishing you a very Happy Holiday.
I also wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you are here visiting, and that you are interested in the stories of our farmhouse.
Your presence here is a gift, and I thank you.
The antique brass tray on the living room coffee table was originally silver-plated. When we found the tray many years ago all but hints of silver remained.
first of all my most sincere apologies for my lack of post this month Info FOr You happy holidays to you...

It's a favorite of mine and I like to bring it out at Christmas, as it is marked:

Mary and Nannie
first of all my most sincere apologies for my lack of post this month Info FOr You happy holidays to you...
Over the years I have spent hours wondering who was MA?, who were Mary and Nannie?, what was their Christmas like the year this beautiful tray was given as a gift?, where did they live?, and on and on...
Just as I wonder about these three people whose names are engraved on an antique tray that has a presence in my home, I also wonder about you, who also have a presence here.
Some of you I know, as you leave me dear comments or send me emails....but others of you remain a mystery. On my site meter I get repeat visits from places that are near and dear to us, and places that are far away and magical. Dan and I always talk about and wonder who you are!
(for example we get a regular visit from someone in tiny
Lebanon, Oregon...
Dan's father is buried in a cemetery there and we would love to know who this person is!)
That you visit from as far away as India, China, Russia, Singapore, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and as close as Kentucky, Tennessee, Utah, Texas and that you all obviously have a love for houses just makes the world seem that much smaller.
I love that!

As was the custom in the period of this Victorian tray people would leave their printed "calling cards" in trays at the homes they visited. (to see images click here)
Dan and I are hoping that in the spirit of the holidays that you, too, will drop your "calling card" in the tray and tell us who you are and where you live, and anything else about yourself that you wish to share. If you have a blog, please mention it and hopefully others will then come to visit, and leave a calling card for you!first of all my most sincere apologies for my lack of post this month Info FOr You happy holidays to you...

Thank you for dropping by to visit today...
you can leave your card in the tray!
first of all my most sincere apologies for my lack of post this month Info FOr You happy holidays to you... joan, dan and ella

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday.


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