Info FOr You crazy October snow...

This past weekend's nor'easter dropped 15-inches of snow at our house in one night.
It was a record breaking snow event for the month of October in New Hampshire.  The previous record for the entire month of October was 3-inches.  A nearby town received the highest snowfall in the state- 27.5 inches!  We were without power (and cable) for three full days.  Our power came back on just last night.  This was our first experience using our whole-house, automatic-on generator, affectionately called "Gen."  Gen has been thanked profusely over the past several days.  I'm thinking she is my new BFF! 
We are so grateful to have sustained no damage-  we didn't even have a limb down on our property, but were shocked to see the massive damage in our town and neighboring towns below us-  huge trees snapped off in the center.  We believe that our higher elevation received more wind and helped to blow the snow off of the leaves on our maples, thus protecting them from the wet, heavy snow sitting on the canopy and causing breakage.

This is the scene we woke up to Sunday morning.

Same shot off of the front porch after Dan cleared Ella a path out to the shoveled off "patch" that he made for her to do her business;)

Ella at full speed to get inside for breakfast!

She loves the snow. 

The driveway.  Notice the one tree that hasn't even begun to turn colors- still green. 
It is such a strange sight to see all of this snow with the Fall color still on the trees.
Strange... but beautiful!

it's good to be back!
I hope those of you who were also in the path of the storm are safe and sound.... and have you power on!


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