Info FOr You come along with us on our walk!
Saturday, February 16, 2019
I thought you might like to come along on our walk this morning!
It's a gorgeous sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. It is 75 degrees and the high today is supposed to be 79.
(note: that is said with a wee tinge of guilt and a wee bit of gloat for my Southern peeps!)
We live in what is referred to as the town center. Not to be confused with the center of town. In New England the "center" is generally the original or oldest, historic part of the town. Often times the "downtown" was relocated when the railroad came along. For example, our downtown is a mile down the hill from us.
When we were looking at houses we would always consider "where do we walk the dog?," as a daily dog-walk is a constant in our lives! One of the many things we loved about our house was that there were many directions that we could go, and with all of the quiet roads and antique homes every way proved a beautiful walk. The walk today is 3-miles. It's basically one big circle. This walk is on the road- most of the walk is paved, but there is a stretch where we are on a dirt road. (There are many off-road trails around us and sometimes we walk those too.)
So put on your tennies and grab your sunglasses, here we go....
When we were looking at houses we would always consider "where do we walk the dog?," as a daily dog-walk is a constant in our lives! One of the many things we loved about our house was that there were many directions that we could go, and with all of the quiet roads and antique homes every way proved a beautiful walk. The walk today is 3-miles. It's basically one big circle. This walk is on the road- most of the walk is paved, but there is a stretch where we are on a dirt road. (There are many off-road trails around us and sometimes we walk those too.)
So put on your tennies and grab your sunglasses, here we go....
(photos are in exact order as we see them on our walk)
starting off down our driveway
our beehives at the end of the drive (disclaimer: landscaping is next year!) we'll turn left and head south to start the walk
ella taking the lead
this estate is a summer house for some lucky family
the carriage house that goes with the summer house
antique farmhouse
beautiful pink roses growing on the stone wall
this is Mr. B's house. he's 90 years old- still drives. he's the sweetest, most engaging elderly man; we love chatting with him when we see him on our walk
one of the many trails in the area. some days this is one of our walks
the road to the girl scout camp that is at the bottom of our road
antique farmhouse
hidden reproduction cape
love this house! it's circa 1791. they have the most beautiful grounds
old church which is now a home
the building on the left was once the meeting house. it is now a children's summer playhouse. the congregational church, circa 1763, is on the right
close up of the congregational church. the original town pound is to the right of the church. it's a square stoned-wall fence structure that would house lost or run-away animals. generally the owner would have to pay a fine to retrieve their animal
our town police officer stopped to say hi! turns out he's an ex-pat texan too!
sadly this is the best photo I could get of this house, circa 1850,- it is a really wonderful and has a great view of the mountains
this house, circa 1850, is one of my favorites
the yellow house, circa 1800. you can be my neighbor, this house is for sale! they just lowered the price to $990k
the yellow house's barn
a golfing green open to neighbors
charming antique cape. sadly they lost their huge tree next to the house as you can see from the shadows on the roof... no leaves
oh wait, I lied, "this" is my favorite house!!
this is the center's tennis club. there are two clay courts. the setting almost makes me want to take up tennis
a country auction house. we've never been, as we've yet to see it open
dan & ella setting the pace
antique homestead, circa 1812
this house is a bed & breakfast
this antique cape, circa 1811, is called the daffodil house as in the spring 5,000 yellow daffodils bloom on the property
charming home that belongs to a new friend
antique granite road marker
oh wait.... this one IS my favorite house! it is circa 1819 and there is a cemetery on the hill above the house and a well-known ghost lives there. a group from harvard has even been out to study the ghost! this is where we start on the dirt road
and just a few yards up we come to this! it's our town reservoir
to put it into perspective, this pond is a 10 minute walk from our house

mama & baby ducks enjoying the sun
mama & baby ducks enjoying the sun
Hope you enjoyed the walk!
Now go take a nap on the sofa... that's what Ella's doing!