Info FOr You Brimfield or bust...
Friday, February 15, 2019
We made Brimfield yesterday, and all I can say is Oh My Head!! To say Brimfield is a 'big' show, is the understatement of the year.
I do not buy to buy. I've been known to go to Round Top and not purchase a single item. I never buy something unless I absolutely love it. So, that being said, my goal was to just experience Brimfield and learn our way around. I really had no expectations to find anything (mainly because I don't "need" anything), and because the only thing I'm really looking for at the moment is my kitchen chandelier. For my perfect chandelier I had in mind a general size, a feel: I was thinking antique French, iron, graceful lines...., but since I want something old I had to "be open" to what finds me!! Well, I'm happy to say that the chandelier found us!!
It is a hand-turned, hand-carved wood (walnut- not the iron I had thought I wanted, but I think in the end it will be a better fit for our farmhouse), antique French chandelier (when we took the piece apart to start the renovation we found French writing on the underside of the base). The scale is perfect- it is large at 31" diameter, and has the fluid lines I was looking for. So... at the end of the day at Brimfield I purchased my elusive kitchen dining chandelier and two linen dish towels.... perfect!
Once again, you're going to have to "trust me" on this one.... I promise it's going to be gorgeous! Really, I promise!! As is our method of operation we always find antiques in need of some "love." In this 'as found' photo the stem is separate from the body of the chandelier, and the small ceiling cap and chain will be changed out. We just happened to have a ceiling cap in our surplus that will be perfect. The fixture will be cleaned, waxed, rewired, and have hand-dripped wax sleeves.