Info FOr You the birthday gift of a lifetime!

remember back here where I said this......

Dan gave me a gift of a lifetime!
A gift to end all gifts.
I can say unequivocally that you do not know anyone who has
been given this gift.
Seriously, if I were to tell you now what he gave me, one- you
wouldn't believe me and then you would be really, really mad at
your husband, and then you would faint! I kid you not!! So, since
I love you and don't want you mad at your husband today, and I
worry about your health;) I can't tell you what it is right now!!!
(I want to get permission first;) But please, please stay tuned.....
I promise you (I even swear to you) you will NOT want to miss
If I haven't made myself perfectly clear- this is an off the chart,
over the top, unimaginable, crazy-wonderful gift of a lifetime.
You have been so patient (well, most of you!) in waiting to hear what this extraordinary gift is, and now I can share
the birthday gift of a lifetime
with you.....

Tomorrow, I am having lunch with Bunny Williams.

here!I can say unequivocally that you do not know  Info FOr You the birthday gift of a lifetime!


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