Info FOr You the barn room status...

The recent rash of comments and emails I have received asking "what's up with the barn room" makes me think y'all have banded together and talk amongst yourselves!!
One email, no- 'Hi" or "How ya doin'?"-  just demanding to know when am I going to show the barn room as she had been waiting a long time and checked in daily just to see it! 

So, it appears I need to post an explanation!

Here's the deal...
I am very happy to tell you that the floor issue has been resolved and we are "in" the room!  The room is everything and more that I had hoped it would be!   To say I am "pleased" with the design and how the room is coming together is a huge understatement.   It is a dream to us- football on the manTV (Dan), and listening to original barn door as art is, well-
 magic in the room.

That said, it is still a "work in progress," and honestly I won't be showing the finished room for monthsI don't show "in progress" design, that's just not how I roll... sorry.   It took me over a month (and three states) to find all the perfect lampshades for the room.  The room is coming together- it's just a slow process, so I hope you'll bear with me!
The big design elements of the room are all in place, but I am working on:  linen slipcovers for the sofas, curtains for the french doors, window treatments, an 8-foot stone slab for the worktable, and hanging 50+ antique herbariums! 
What I have decided to do is to show you the room in reverse.  Usually I post a room with only photos, no commentary then I go back and re-post with descriptions of elements in the room.  In this case I'll show individual design elements (the coffee table, lamps, sconces, art, etc.)  and will eventually work up to the completed room as a whole.

I am close to showing the finished half bath which is just off of the barn room, and I'm struggling with trying to decide if it is wrong to love a bathroom?!!  :)  :)
What do ya think?!  Is it wrong to love a bathroom?!!!

50 plus antique American herbariums made by Lulu M. Cowan in 1894. 
In Dallas I could only tastefully;) display 27 of these beauties in our living room, but  here... all of them are going up!  They have been packed away in boxes for three and a half years.  I have missed them dearly, and the day they all get hung you'll hear a bottle of Veuve popping! 

In summation, I beg for your patience :) :)



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