Info FOr You and the winner is....

Thank you all for your wonderful comments and sweet memories regarding maple syrup!
I also loved reading all your favorite things to put maple syrup in and on, like: 

Amish omelets
apple pie
tomato soup
salad dressing/ vinaigrette
coffee & tea
pancakes with peanut butter
pumpkin pie
french bread with cheddar cheese
pizza dough
salad dressing....

just to name a few of the great suggestions!

On to the giveaway!!
Dan carefully cut lengths of paper.....

then I wrote down each commenter's name...

and placed them in this vintage hotel silver bowl from the Fontenelle Hotel.

After 8 p.m. EDT Dan swirled the names around...

and pulled out a piece of paper with this name.....

Congratulations to Penny at Comforts of Home! 
I can't wait to hear what you think of New Hampshire maple syrup!

I wish you all could have won.....

This morning, per Dan's request, I made Linda's Crunchy Coconut French Toast and all we can both say is WOW!!!!!  If you haven't already, you really must try this!


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