Reform Launches Sustainable Kitchen Past Times Lendager Grouping Inwards Collab Alongside Dinesen

Known for their collaborations amongst the best Danish together with internationally acclaimed architects, Reform practise kitchens that alter together with heighten everyday lives amongst neat design. Throughout the years, Reform's founders bring wanted to offering a sustainable kitchen design, together with today that dream has come upward to fruition amongst the launch of UP past times Lendager Group, a minimalistic pattern inward venture woods amongst honour for the materials together with our environment.

One of the transcend architecture companies inward price of circular economic science inward sustainable buildings unopen to the world, Lendager Group offering an innovative approach to sustainable architecture, exploring novel concern models where at that spot is increased focus on creating a regenerative design. In a unique collaboration amongst Dinesen, Lendager Group has designed the UP kitchen using the world-renowned flooring manufacturer's high-quality surplus material. 

Creating unique venture wooden flooring together with other exclusive solutions amongst woods since 1898, Dinesen's customer-specific solutions such equally flooring for galleries, restaurants, residential properties together with the like, naturally generate large amounts of repose wood. Even though that woods has undergone ane of the close extensive production processes imaginable, it is impossible to completely eliminate waste. Using the off-cuts to laissez passer on novel life non solely provides a positive touching on on the environment, it enriches the story of the kitchen pattern fifty-fifty further.

Inspired past times the classic craftsman kitchen, inward UP, the natural qualities together with recycling possibilities of materials bring been essential to the design. And equally these images show, the kitchen's rich together with textural woods grain destination provides an aesthetically beautiful result. Available inward White Oiled together with Dark Oak, notice out to a greater extent than here

Images courtesy of Reform 

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