Info FOr You the tree fern

It was an overcast evening and I was sitting on the front porch after working all day in the yard...

having a glass of wine and watching Dan and Big Blue fertilize the meadows...


(I adore this vintage iron table I found at an estate sale in Dallas many years ago.  It sat on a patio in the yard in Dallas and over the years some of the tile pieces came off and got lost, so here I've been filling the empty holes with thick flakes of mica that I find in the gravel driveway!...

love the little flower at the base!)  
Ooops... sorry, I got off topic;)

So, I'm sitting on the front porch and I realize I've never shown you the little fern that grows high up in the large maple tree at the front door.  I was enchanted by the little fern the first year we moved into the house, and every year it reappears in the spring!

I went inside to get the camera and when I came out a single ray of sunlight was shining directly on the little fern!  I think the fern-gods wanted you to see it too;)

Isn't it so, so sweet?!

This is the same tree that has the little Jan Barboglio house blessing cross hanging on it.

Another view from the front porch!

Wishing you a wonderful Fourth of July!!


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