Info FOr You granite curbing

The granite curbing as it now looks at the entrance to our property.
   (If you missed how we found the curbing you can go here and here)

The curbing actually runs all the way to the stone beehive (under the hosta in the forefront), but since there isn't curbing on the other side of the drive and because the granite took a downward curve at this point it seemed like the natural place to stop the curbing for balance in the landscape.   The grass will eventually wrap around the beehive, but we have several additional projects in the works for this area that will need to be done first. (If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen the antique cobblestones we purchased last week!  Too many projects, not enough time!!)

This bed is referred to as "The Brides" since it is planted with Blushing Bride Endless Summer hydrangeas.  In a small opening several feet up in the bushes we planted a single Blushing Bride hydrangea bush- she is called the "Runaway Bride"! 

While Dan was digging in the bed he found this buried horseshoe.  Would love to know what year it was that the horse dropped his shoe!  We will hang it on the tree in the bed (upright, of course) for good luck.

This is how the entrance looked when we first saw the property.






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