Info FOr You antique stone beehives and a granite curb update

This is the entrance to our property.

Our antique stone walls that border the street form stone "beehives" at the entrance to the gravel drive.

The south beehive.  The granite curbing we discovered is directly behind this beehive.  The drive forks at the crest of the incline at the large hemlock tree you see in the distance.  If you veer left the drive takes you to the garage, if you turn right it takes you to the front door. 

Grass along the road is a Fall project, but we said that last year too;) 

And speaking of the granite curbing... its not going anywhere
After discovering it we decided to take a couple of days to think about how we should handle the new found treasure  (i.e. Garden A.D.D. kicked in and we were off to other projects;)  When we came back to the curbing Dan decided to see how tall the stones were before we made any decisions.  Good thinking.  Dan dug and dug and dug. The stones are shockingly tall. 

18-inches tall to be exact!

And approximately 7- 8 inches wide.  Even if we (and, of course I mean Dan ;) could dig both sides around the stones to get a chain around them to pull them out Big Blue wouldn't be able to lift them- they are just too heavy.  It was instantly ;) decided that they will remain.  We will grade the sloping terrain down to them and then dig out in front of them to expose the stone- leaving them as a curbing edge to the hydrangea bed behind them.  We'll then plant grass (it will be a narrow strip) in front of them to the gravel drive.  A grass border was something that Dan had really wanted and I had really wanted curbing, so those house angels gave us both what we wanted! 
It definitely feels like the right decision.  Even before realizing their depth it felt somehow wrong to dig them up from their intended placement.  It felt like we were being grave robbers of sorts.  It's the funniest thing as the curbing looks so natural there, like it was meant to be, which of course, it was


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