Info FOr You Texas Proud...


I lived in Houston for four years after college, and as a native Texan I have been gutted by the devastation that Harvey brought to my home state and the city I once called home.  My constant thoughts and prayers go out to all of south Texas and Louisiana and to every single victim of Hurricane Harvey.   My sympathy and condolences for all that has been lost.
To the readers and followers of my blog who have been affected by Harvey...  I hope and pray that you, your loved ones and your homes are safe.  I am so sorry for all that you have gone through and all that you have lost.  My heart breaks for you.  I send you my love.  I would love to hear from you personally in the comments or in an email. xxo


My niece, Liz Ann, and her husband, Jose, both architects and owners of mak Studio in Houston, were thankfully spared the wrath of Harvey at their business and home and have been volunteering with the Red Cross since the moment the water started rising.  I am so proud of them both.

I simply have no words, as I can not imagine the horrors of the hurricane nor the aftermath of the destruction.  I am proud of how Texas and Houstonians have rallied together, but not a single bit surprised.  Texas is Texas and hell, or high waters will not take it down.  
Like you, we have made donations, but so, so many need our help.   
If looking for a place to give here are some thoughts...

If donating to theMichael Dell and Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, come to mind, but there are many others (if you know of any please name the matching companies in the comment section), so find one that doubles your donation and donate through them!

If you are looking for a different fund raising effort you should check out Houston Texans JJ Watt's foundation.  He is has set up a 
and to date has raised over 18.5 million and counting for the victims of Harvey.  There is now a petition to rename a Houston freeway after him! He's a good man. His flood relief fund will give directly to the people of Houston.  Yesterday 10 semi-trucks of donated goods came from his home state of Wisconsin to bring supplies to the people of Houston HERE  (I ๐Ÿ’“ this video.)

This is a wonderful list provided by PNR of many different links to how you can help those affected by Harvey 

Now, to my heart of hearts.....

I have been so very touched by all the photos of people carrying their dogs (cats) through feet of water refusing to leave them behind.  And then heartbroken, but grateful, to see the photos of dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc. being rescued by rescuers.  There is a special place in heaven for you people.

This video is from the facebook account of Noeline Duffet Hartel.  This is her son, John, and two of his friends, Kyle and Dylan, rounding up stray dogs on the streets of Houston.  This mama raised a good boy.  Bless them.

I have had several people ask me (knowing I was from Texas) to suggest places I would recommend to donate to the dogs (cats/pets) that need our help.
Here are but a few shelters/rescue groups I am familiar with that are working non-stop to save and rescue dogs (cats.)   I know there are many, many more so please share info in the comment section of any other Harvey relief shelters needing donations.

wonderful organization rescuing hundreds of dogs from Houston

Harvey Disaster Animal Fund

Best Friends Animal Society

 the rumors that the SPCA is euthanizing dogs are NOT true HERE

 For my Austin area readers...

 I lived in Houston for four years after college Info FOr You Texas Proud...

I wanted to share with you that Yard Bar (the owner Kristen, also an architect,  is a best friend of my niece Liz Ann whom I mentioned above) is having a donation drive to support the pets and pet owners displaced by Harvey throughout the month of September with the goal to fill this container!

Yard Bar is located at 6700 Burnett Road and is a restaurant, bar and dog park all in one!๐Ÿ’“   (I can not tell you how much I want to take the girls here and have dinner- the food looks amazing- and drinks!!  I am so jealous Austin has this!)

From Kristen per her Facebook page here is what's needed: 
Food - Dog and Cat, dry & wet
Blankets, towels, linens
Small litter boxes
Clay cat litter
Small silver bowls
Poop Bags
Leashes, Slip leashes & Collars
Disposable paper ID collar
DAPP and Bordatella vaccines
Flea treatment - capstar, bravecto, frontline spray
Antibiotics - amoxicillin, convenia, cephalexin
Unflavored pedialyte
Wound care supplies
Irrigation solution
Medical gloves
Work gloves
Hand soap
Hand sanitizer
Dawn dish soap
Mosquito repellent - a lot.
2 gallon hefty ziplock bags
Heavy duty garbage bags
Human snacks! Volunteers gotta eat.
Bottled Water
Make a donation and receive a $5 off coupon for dining at YB.

DRINKS & Smirnoff Matching Challenge
Enjoy any Smirnoff cocktail or our "Underdog" cocktail in the month of September and Yard Bar will donate $2 of your purchase to Harvey Relief.
Our goal is to raise $2,000 and Smirnoff will MATCH for a total gift of $4,000.
This event and donation drive is in the very early stages. Please check back for updates soon and SHARE SHARE SHARE!
Do you know someone with a specific needs for our stuff. Distribution partners are welcome. Please email what you need, by when, and who can pick it up.

love to you all,


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