Info FOr You spring living room with blue & white on the mantel

Spring has arrived in New England!  The grass is getting green (Dan mowed the back meadow for the first time yesterday)  and the leaves are "just" starting to come out on the antique maples that line our drive.  The light is amazing.  We have wonderful light all year long, but there is just something extra special about the spring light, not to mention the gorgeous sunsets. The weather is still cool-ish, though we did turn on the air conditioning last week due to the humidity.  But, today the heater is running and there is definitely a chill in the air.  When we lived in Dallas I would laugh at the thought of a "spring jacket,"  but now I understand the term:)

I've added antique Chinese blue and white to the room.  Always a classic in my book, and feels very spring to me right now.

A slightly different angle... I liked that the antique painting across the room is reflected in the antique French mirror on the mantel.

I've removed some of the extra brown accessories in the room.  I always have lots of brown though, it's my black.  What you can't see in this photo of the vintage brass topped table is the teeny, tiny paper price tag with purple silk string from decades ago:)  I left it (call me Minnie Pearl:) because it was just so charming and unless you're looking for it you don't see it.  Oops.... I see one of the legs needs to be moved/straightened.  Ignore!  The 23-year-old topiary!  Many of you have asked, but I don't have any tips or secrets....  I water regularly, fertilize occasionally, that's it.  


Photo of the room with the lights off.  The fur throw is still on the sofa for the chilly spring days and nights we are having.  There is usually a puppy, or two, on the throw;)  I changed the end sofa pillows from brown velvet to gray/blue velvet ones.

And, speaking of puppies!  Louise and Magnolia are my photog assistants:)

A puppy-bum photo bomb;)

Notice in this photo I paint just the plug outlet for the table lamp.  Makes it go away.  The brown fabric cord blends in with the floor.

I like this photo as it shows you our gravel drive that comes up to the front porch. 

I replaced one of the vintage leopard fur pillows (made from muffs) for a made-to-fit small lumbar pillow for this antique French chair in the same grey/blue velvet on the sofa pillows.

This is Louise's "I want to go get in Mama's bed" look.   Ella does the exact same thing.  She's torn because I'm downstairs, but she loooves the mama's bed.  I tell her "it's okay!"  and she marches up the stairs!  Silly girls:)


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