Info FOr You Nor'easter March 2017

 This post is for all my southern peeps who were asking to see snow photos from 
 around the farmhouse on Instagram today.  I posted a video this morning of the snow event, aka blizzard, we are having.  If you don't follow me on IG (Instagram) (and you really should!:):):) then you can click on my photos from Instagram from my sidebar > to view the video.  

Yesterday (when we had zero snow on the ground)  I wrote on IG that I was pretty sure Dan and I are the only people in New England not quite ready for spring just yet and we were excited to have some more snow.  I was pleased to get a lot of comments from New Englanders who shared our sentiments.  Nice to know we aren't the only crazy ones;):)

By definition a "blizzard" (i.e. big crazy snowstorm) has to meet three defined criteria to qualify as a blizzard:
1.  Sustained wind or frequent gusts of 35 miles per hour or greater.
2.  Considerable falling and/or blowing snow reducing visibility to under a quarter mile.
3. The above conditions must continue for at least three consecutive hours!

 So, put on your gloves, hats, coats and boots and join us in our blizzard!

The stone beehives at the entrance.  View from the road

We had about 14" when Dan and Big Blue braved the elements to plow the drive and create a p-patch for the girls!  They had tried to go out just prior to this and got to the bottom of the front steps and couldn't get beyond.  Daddy and Big Blue to the rescue!

You can see how deep the snow is in this shot.

Thank you to my "plowboy" for taking all these cold exterior shots!

As quickly as Big Blue could plow a path, the snow would quickly fill back in.

The upstairs master bedroom porch.  Our winter has been so mild we never got around to putting the porch furniture away :(  The wind blew the chair in the forefront to the center of the porch.

The view from the master bedroom.

Snow piled on the new copper roof from a window in the south guest bedroom.

The upstairs hall.  Again, the shadow at the base of the window is snow accumulation on the copper roof at the front porch.

Different angle, but still pretty!

Snow blown and stacked on a kitchen window.

The plowboy's down gloves drying over a heat vent!

The kitchen porch with a big pile of blown snow in the middle.

View from a dining room window.

Another pretty view from the kitchen window.

The winds have been so strong that the snow has blown off the roof.

The girls going outside this evening!  Magnolia and Louise always forgo the steps and sail right over the top!  Louise is in the front, Magnolia is in the air and Ella is bringing up the rear!

These southern girls love the snow!

Silly Magnolia (in the center) is crouched behind a mini snow berm waiting to play "attack" her sissy, Louise, as she approaches

The attack unfolds!

The "blue hour" from the living room.

The blue hour from the reading room.

Looking into the courtyard from the reading room.

The girlies waiting to be given the okay to snatch up their Charlie Bear treats!!


It has been a wonderful, beautiful snow day, safe and sound in the farmhouse with a fire going,  coffee and tea, breakfast as dinner, and lots of puppy sugar.  The girls love the snow, but they are quick to go outside, do their business and come immediately back in!  Smart southern girls:)
Hope your day has been warm, safe and cozy too!


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