Info FOr You Living in New England: Seasonal Ice Cream Stands

There are many aspects of life here that are so unique from other parts of the country, and I want to share those things with my family, and perhaps with you- if you have never been here. I do a collection of posts called : "Living in New England" that highlight quintessential New England sights, events, situations, and experiences.
I know of many people who have lived here in New England their entire lives and perhaps don't realize that some of the events and sights that I will describe don't happen elsewhere in the country. Or, maybe you are originally from New England, but have moved away... I hope these posts will bring back some fond memories for you. 
In any event, I wish to share New England with you through the eyes of this Southerner!

I hail from the land of DQ... 
Dairy Queen
I grew up with the iconic ice cream shop that is Dairy Queen.  (Texas is home to the largest number of DQ's in the U.S.)  It was open almost every day of the year- always there at your beck and call for a soft serve cone, a Dilly Bar or a beloved Blizard (chocolate covered cherry is our favorite! :)  When I was a child my father would make a DQ run once a month and stock the freezer we had in the garage with Dilly Bars.  He always said he was buying them for me, but I think I was just his cover!!
I wasn't expecting to find any Dairy Queens in New Hampshire, and I have not.  We did; however, find some in Maine!  I remember my little "taste of home" excitement at the sight of the first one we spied... right up until I read the sign..

"Closed for the season."

 Whaaaat?  (I can hear the collective *gasp* coming from all you southerners!  Ohhh the horror of a closed DQ!! ;)  The Dairy Queen below is in Kennebunk and serves only ice cream- no food. They also give out puppy-cookies to one very happy, little black dog!  We have since found one DQ in southern Maine that appears to be open year-round, which is a good thing, cuz when you want an Oreo-Blizzard in January, you want it now, not five months from now! :)

What New England doesn't have in Dairy Queens they make up for in walk-up, seasonal ice cream stands!  
These stands are an honored tradition here in New England!  Opening day is much anticipated and people flock to the shops throughout their "open" season!  The "season" is spring to fall, and larger shops make their own ice cream.  Seeing the crowds standing in line to order, you would almost think you couldn't find ice cream for sale at the local grocery stores!  The first time we encountered this New England tradition we were just a couple months new to the area and were driving in the middle of nowhere when we spotted a crowd of about 20 people in front of a little shack and said, "They must be having an estate sale!"  Only to realize- no- they were selling ice cream!  
And, what a tradition it is!  Traditions are big in New England- that is one of the many things we love about living here!

This is serious business people!

Stands can be large and famous in an area, or little out of the way stops, like this one!

This little "walk-up only" stand is an exception and is open year round!  You have to really want an ice cream cone to walk through 3 feet of snow to get to the window!

I snapped this photo at opening time, usually the parking lot is full!

If this photo had been taken on a "peak" day there would be at least 100 more people standing in line to get ice cream.... I kid you not!  

Guess what they sell?!

This charming little Dairy Bar is in Vermont.

It's a charming (and tasty) New England tradition!
 Do you have any memories/stories from seasonal ice cream stands or Dairy Queen?!  Would love to hear them :)

To read other "Living in New England" posts visit HERE!)


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