Info FOr You The KURA Project... for girls

post script added  June 29th from Sarah Hadden:

I would like to thank ALL OF YOU for your generosity of spirit along with donations of funds towards KURA Project "Opportunity Kits" (reusable menstrual pads, underwear and soap) for girls in northern Kenya. 
Because of the response from this blog post enough money has been raised to purchase and deliver 250 kits that will keep 250 girls in school without interruption and allow them to participate in all activities without worry. This kit will also last them a year or more.
We at The KURA Project believe in every woman's right to go through her monthly cycle with dignity and have access to education. 
Thank you in behalf of KURA but more importantly thank you from the girls in northern Kenya who are benefiting from your generosity. 
With Gratitude,
Sarah Hadden
The KURA Project

I am sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I have been dealing with an issue with my 90-year -old mother for several months now and it has emotionally and creatively drained me.  Hopefully the situation is resolved and she remains safe and healthy in her lovely retirement community.  Something I have found most interesting is in the small group of people that I have mentioned this to, everyone had their own story- either they, or their mother/family member were dealing with an elderly parent/family member and the stress and difficulty of the situation.   The elder attorney, my sisters and I had to hire, even said that it is an isolating topic- that people just don't talk about it with people outside the family.  What I was dealing with was absolutely minimal (it did not involve a health issue) compared to what so many people have to deal with every single day and yet it stopped me in my tracks for several months.  To those of you who deal with an aging parent on an ongoing basis I salute you and honor you.  I hope you reach out to get support and to remember to take care of yourself along the way.   xxoj.

As I've mentioned before, even when I am not posting on the blog (I promise to try to be more frequent;) I can usually be found posting on INSTAGRAM.  Being a very visual person I love IG as a visual diary of our days and lives.  I post only once a day, if that;), and look for special moments that I want to remember or share.  
 Last week I came upon a IG post that a profound impact on me.  Vermont House  posted about their friends, two Vermont women- Sarah Haddan and Barbara Lowes , who started 
to help girls, and their mothers,  that live in extreme poverty in northern Kenya who do not have access to the most basic of sanitary products.  
Many girls are deprived of an education because of the lack of this basic necessity since going to school without any form of menstruation protection subjects them to the shame of staining their clothes.  Very often menstruation caused girls to miss school, drop out altogether and then to be married off at a young age. 
The KURA Project provides "opportunity kits" to each girl/woman which contain 4 reusable menstruation pads, underwear (since many of the girls do not own underwear) and detergent - a kit will last each girl a year or more.  

Please... stop, think and take in the entirety of this situation for one simple moment.  

can. you. even. imagine???????????????

Being one of millions who enjoy the the bountiful excesses of a lovely life in a free country, until I read about this project it never even dawned on me that this is a need for these girls.  I immediately donated several "opportunity kits" and I am hoping that you are so moved that you will donate one yourself!  For a mere $25 your kindness will be giving the gift of personal hygiene to an impoverished girl for one year.  Please join me in donating: 

If you are more comfortable sending a check their address is:

P.O. BOX 505
Manchester, VT  05254 USA

Also, please share this post if you can.  What a wonderful gift it would be to have young girls/teenagers see this need and want to help these girls who have so much less than they do too!

thank you. xxojoan

The following is from their website, and there is a YouTube video at the bottom of the page...

After delivering supplies to several of the schools, and receiving letters of thanks for the donations, a common theme appeared. Each letter and sentiment passed on through Kura expressed appreciation for sanitary towels.
Many girls are deprived of an education because of the lack of this basic necessity. Many girls must remain home during this time and risk the danger of being married off for cows at a very young age.
In 2012 The KURA Project began raising money for AFRIpad kits. These reusable sanitary pads last the girls and women up to one year, keep them in school and allow them to go through their monthly cycle with dignity.
Kura informed me in the fall of 2013 most of the girls and women (we supply each mother and daughter a kit) did not own underwear. It is impossible to use the kits as intended without this basic necessity.
Because The KURA Project received a generous donation of 1,000 AFRIpad kits from the Lunapad company we were able to purchase underwear to go along with each kit. To date 2,000 reusable sanitary towel kits and 1,400 pairs of underwear have been delivered to the following schools in the northern Kenya:
Ngurunit, Loiyangalani, Elmolo and Laisamis, Maikona, Kalacha, Dukana, North Horr, Helmer Girls, Bubisa, and Torbi Primary 
Four schools and community members from in and around Manchester, Vermont, have also helped raise the funds to make these deliveries possible.  
Over 30 schools in Marsabit County remain in need and are waiting for a delivery from The KURA Project. 
In January of 2014 we began sponsoring students for high school. Through generous sponsors we currently support four students through four years of high school. We hope to grow this number so as to help as many students as possible reach their dream of getting an education.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela
Sarah Hadden
KURA Project 

To donate, please go ...


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