Info FOr You Happy New Year 2016 and Thank you !

Happy, Merry New Year to you!!!

I wish you health, love, joy and peace in 2016.
I hope that every single day you.....

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sweet, kind, wonderful, thoughtful comments on my Christmas "please leave your calling card" post.  Dan and I read each one- smiling, laughing, tearing up (me;), googling your towns, and just overall so genuinely touched by all the comments.

(I have tried to "reply" personally under each comment, but they do not show up.  I really want to respond to each one, but I can't.  If anyone knows how I can fix this blogger issue please leave a comment below or email me at:  I would greatly appreciate any help:)

Thank you for all the well wishes for a speedy recovery for Dan.  He is doing great and is off the crutches and is starting physical therapy today, for a couple of weeks, and then should be back to work.
 I am so thankful that you one, read the blog, and two, so many of you are still here after all these years- still interested in the goings on around the farmhouse and in our lives, and for all the new followers/faces.    
Thank you.

Since I have been writing the blog all these years now, I can struggle with what to write about.  Dan's comment to me after reading the comments from the Christmas post and on Instagram was that he noticed so many of you wished I would post more often.  I tend to only post when I think something has "meat" to it, and there are a lot of photographs, so as to not inundate your email box.  But maybe simple posts are okay??  In trying to figure out what it is you would like to see/hear/read about I realized that the best person to answer that is YOU!  What would you be interested in seeing on the blog in the upcoming year??!   I would love to hear from you- your suggestions for posts, requests, ideas, topics...  what you would like to see or have me write about or photograph.    
I actually do have a nice list of posts to do for the next month or so, (and a big surprise or two :) but sometimes finding (taking) the time to write/post is difficult to do.  I greatly appreciate so many of you acknowledging the time/energy it takes to write the blog.  That meant so much.
Again, thank you.

Please talk amongst yourselves;) and let me know your suggestions, ideas, requests, etc!!  Okay?!!!!
Can't wait to hear from you!


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