Info FOr You garden notes and keepings
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
I was asked if and how I keep garden information about the yard and garden beds.
I do.
Honestly, I would be lost without my garden notes and keepings. I'm always shocked how much my brain forgets after six months of winter!
My garden notes and keepings are very, very basic.
They are nothing like the amazingly detailed and organized notebook by Kelley from HERE.
I keep my notes in a book given to me by a friend when I left Dallas. I try to write down everything, like how many bags of Hollytone we purchased in the spring, to how many bags of soil I used for containers at the beginning of the season, to what annuals I purchased for what pots. That info really helps for the following year so I'm not guessing on amounts. I write down what I planted in containers and in the yard, and at the end of the season I will add if I liked the plant, or location or if changes are needed. Also, towards the back of the book I keep a yearly ledger on the big things we did around the house all on one page- i.e. put in the terrace, planted replacement sugar maples, graveled the drive, bought the lawnmower, etc., etc... .
My other garden keepings are kept in this uninspired box which contains large manila envelopes- one for each of the different beds on the property, and also the terrace and porches.
I simply keep the plant tags that come on the plant in the envelope for each bed. When trying to remember;) or find a particular plant it is easy to dump them all out and quickly find just what I'm looking for.
I also keep gardening articles and magazines for reference and inspiration.
Simple... easy!
I simply keep the plant tags that come on the plant in the envelope for each bed. When trying to remember;) or find a particular plant it is easy to dump them all out and quickly find just what I'm looking for.
I drew garden plans for some of the larger bed, and keep those in the envelopes for reference.
I also keep gardening articles and magazines for reference and inspiration.
Simple... easy!
How you organize your garden notes and keepings, please do share!
To read more:
my garden essentials....HERE