Info FOr You fall twenty-thirteen

We've had a beautiful fall this year!  
While always a sight to see, fall in New England is different from year to year.  The amount of rain we get in August and September, the amount of sunshine, the temperatures- too hot/too cold, heavy winds, etc... are all elements that can dramatically alter the brilliant fall foliage that New England is so well known for.  The best weather to produce gorgeous fall foliage is to have a summer with ample rain followed by a dry, cool, sunny autumn with warm days and cool, though not freezing, nights- which is exactly the weather we've had this year!

Take a look for yourself... 

The view from the front meadow.

Notice the new (antique) orb!

You all know of my love for orbs (here and here), so it was only natural when I spied two large (over four foot) iron treads from antique wooden wagon-wheels in a neighboring town that I immediately thought they would be perfect as a huge orb for the yard!  Several months went by and while antiquing in Maine we found a second pair of iron treads the same size!  

I love how this photo is a little out of focus- you can almost feel the leaves swirling in the wind!

The view from the back meadow.

This is sweet, polite Ella's stance when she wants to go into the house- she'll just stare at the door!  When I open it, she marches directly up the stairs to get on our bed!  You can't go inside just yet Ella, we have more pictures to take.

The sugar maples along the front drive.

The sun setting on a beautiful autumn day.

Hope you're having a wonderful fall!


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