Info FOr You fall inside

(In writing this post I realized two crazy & amazing things: one - I have been writing this blog for EIGHT YEARS now, and two-  this is my FOUR-HUNDRED-AND-ONE post!  Thank you to each and every one of you who have followed our journey for years, to the new people who arrive each day and to that group of crazy ,wonderful readers (you know who you are!) who have told me they've gone back and reread the WHOLE blog from the beginning.  A couple have even done it twice!!! I swear some of you know more about the house and the renovation than I do!!   You are all so dear to me (and Dan,) and you are probably tired of hearing this, but I am just so grateful and thankful that you are here and are part of our journey.  I so appreciate that you are interested in our house, our life and our rescue pups and that you allow me to share it all with you by reading, following and commenting.  
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. xxo 

Since I showed you fall "outside" the farmhouse in my last post HERE, I thought you might like to come inside and have a look around.
Welcome, come on in...

The entry chest has a collection of antique and vintage Italian alabaster fruit.  The large apples and pears are a rare find.  I found one of the large pairs at an estate sale in Dallas many years ago.  They were some ridiculous price and I carried them through the whole sale knowing if I put them in a "save-pile" at the checkout someone would grab them- they are super heavy and I remember my arms ached for days from carrying them all around the sale!  The things we do for love!!
Antique alabaster pendant fixture found at the Paris flea market.

I love this shot with the sun shining on the antique French Napeleon III bergere.  We found the pair at the Paris Flea Market.  The leopard pillow is made from a pair of antique hand warmers that I sewed together.

And, this wider view which shows the fireplace lit.

I had lots of "assistants" helping when I was taking photos as you will see:)  This is Louise.

This is a great shot to show how beautiful Benjamin Moore's Pearl finish is on ceilings.  To read more about this favorite detail of mine HERE.

Photo assistants Louise and Ella taking a break:)

Sweet Louise

Sweet Ella

Sweet, and oh-so-funny & silly,  Magnolia

The dining room.

I changed out the fishing floats for the season for my beloved piece of Colorado forest wood- story HERE.

The reading room is such a cozy fall room.  The feathers in the plant in the antique urn were all found over the years on the property.

Slightly different angle showing the antique Italian case piece.

A favorite painting, so perfect for fall, by the late Jerry Wilkerson, famed pointillism artist (though this work is not painted in pointillism.)  

Closeup of the bookcase.  Story of the antique door HERE

Several pieces from our collection of antique tortoiseshell.

"Mavis" donning antique leopard for the cold fall and winter months!

As I was taking photos for you the sun started going down.  This is how the reading room looks in late afternoon on a sunny day.

Love the shadows in this photo taken a bit later.  The light draws you in and you just want to sit here at this time of day.

A closeup of the antique and vintage Italian alabaster fruit on the entry chest of drawers.

Miniature white pumpkins on the kitchen fireplace mantel.

I kept the island cleared off for the summer, but once fall arrived and I started cooking more I felt the need to have "my things" back on top!  Usually there is a puppy in the dog bed (and no, I am sorry I do not have a source for it, as I've had it for probably 20 years now.  It belonged to our first rescue, Kelsey.)

I've replaced the natural linen sink skirt with a pea-green ticking stripe which I love!

Vintage green-glazed yellowware bowls, antique English ironstone, hotel silver flatware and tray and the last of the hydrangeas from yard top the marble island for fall.

View from the kitchen through the courtyard to the front meadow.

"And that has made all the difference"

Iron bird in the original stall window in the barn mud room.

Thank you for visiting; I hope you come back again soon;)


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